An animation video explaining the basic facts on Nigeria's national grid, from generation to transmission, power plants to cost of extending cables across the nation.

Nigeria‘s population of about 170 million people share 4,000 Megawatt of electricity between them. That amounts to about 3 light bulbs per person. However, Nigeria sees itself as a future world economic power. So how is Nigeria going to power its envisaged economic growth? What is Nigeria’s energy future?



This web portal is the online presence of the Alliance on Nigeria's Energy Future (NEF), a discussion platform aimed at broadening knowledge of, and deepening public dialogue on, the possibilities of leapfrogging into a cleaner energy future in Nigeria. The Alliance aims to provide information and insights, and organise exchange of views between citizens, politicians, private sector, experts and civil society organizations on the various options for a sustainable future energy mix for Nigeria. The website was facilitated by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, in partnership with other member-organisations of the Alliance. Articles on this website were last updated in 2017, and have been kept online only for reference purposes.





