Billions of dollars have been spent on fixing Nigeria's national electricity grid, but the megawatts have hardly increased. Should Nigerians go off-grid by using mini-grids for industrial clusters, estates and communities, and stand-alone systems to power millions of SMEs? Click her for an animated video explaining the different off-grid options.

Energy Mix

The energy mix of a country is the specific combination of energy sources which it utilises in meeting its electricity supply needs. In essence, energy mix refers to a breakdown, usually by proportion or percentages, of the different energy types or resources that make up a country’s total energy supply. An outline of a country’s energy mix is helpful in providing an idea of which energy sources the country is most dependent on. It also indicates which energy sources have a potential for expansion, considering the country’s total reserves of various energy sources. Of recent, given the reality of global warming, there has been a rise in global action calling for national energy mixes that lean away from fossil fuels towards having greater proportion of sustainable, renewable energy. In the light of local peculiarities, articles in this section are geared towards stimulating discussions which will potentially chart a course for a sustainable energy mix for Nigeria.